Module One: Gaining Clarity On Your Goals

Module One Objectives:

  • Get clear on exactly what you want for your health and in life
  • Uncover your personal definition of “freedom” and your “why” for making a lasting change
  • Create specific, measurable, attainable, realistic goals that are in alignment with your core values, beliefs, and desires
  • Record your goals on a timeline to track your progress (e.g. Coaching Contract)
  • Develop a Personalized Health Plan

Module One Content:

  1. Read The Secret To Successful Goal Setting (How to Achieve Your Health, Fitness & Life Goals) and answer the Call To Action on the blog.

  2. Watch the VIDEO: How to Lose the Weight and Keep It Off (Sustaining Your Healthy Habits Long-Term) and answer the reflection question below.
    Reflection:  Is Your your WHY aligned with your core values, beliefs, and desires?  How will you use your WHY to drive your attitudes and actions?

  3. Watch the VIDEO: The Biggest Reason Why Most Weight Loss Efforts Fail and How YOU Can Beat the Odds and answer the reflection question below.
    Reflection:  In the video, I talk about identifying the underlying cause/s (e.g. stress, being over committed, loneliness, anxiety) of your current state of health.  Addressing that is key to behavior change and building sustainable habits.  What would you say the underlying cause/s are for you?

Supplemental Reading:

Made to Crave Introduction: Finding Your “Want To” answer discussion questions and write down questions or insights on your Weekly Coaching Session Prep Form.

Coaching Session #1 Agenda:

  • Review Your WHY/”Want To” for making a lasting change
  • Define what “freedom” from destructive habits looks like for you
  • Review Made to Crave Discussion Questions
  • Gain clarity on your goals and complete Coaching Contract
  • Develop a Personalized Health Plan