Module Two: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Module Two Objectives:

  • Detox your thoughts (e.g. past failures, stinkin’ thinking), experience freedom from limiting beliefs, and reprogram your mindset for success
  • Discover the relationship between brokenness, healing, freedom, abundance, and positive change
  • Learn what it means to “live by faith” and have hope, even when our situation seems out of control or hopeless

Module Two Content:

  1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset is essential to your success.  Take a look at the image below from Dartmouth Learning.  Which mindset most closely aligns with your current belief system?
  2. Read this article on how to reprogram your mindset for success.  Once we develop a growth mindset, we become able to view challenges as opportunities for growth and failure as an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and begin again with new wisdom and insight.  How difficult do you think this will be for you and why?

  3. Read The Best Advice for Getting Unstuck.  In what areas of your life do you need to shift your mindset from thinking in black and white to instead thinking in shades of gray?  What have you learned from your past attempts to overcome your bad habits that you can use to begin again with new wisdom and insight?  What does stepping out of your comfort zone look like for you?

  4. Watch this video on How To Overcome Fear of Failure by Thinking in Shades of Gray.  In the video, I share how fear, self-doubt, and creating an unrealistic view of success held me back from publishing my first blog post.  What “mindset monsters” have hindered your ability to reach your health and life goals?

  5.  Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts, often about our ability or identity, that keep us from moving forward, such as “I don’t have enough motivation,” “I don’t have enough willpower,” or even “I don’t have the time.”  One way to break free from limiting beliefs is to replace them with the truth of God’s Word.  Read When You’re Feeling Down, Look Up (Replacing Negative Thoughts with Power Thoughts) and answer the Call To Action on the blog.

  6. In order to move forward, we must “detox our thoughts” by letting go of the past and negative emotions associated with those experiences.  Read Julie’s Testimony: From Burdened to Set Free (Letting Go).Reflection: Julie described her struggles with limiting beliefs surrounding her self-worth and her search for fulfillment in the wrong places.  How might you relate to her story?  How might the burdens you are carrying now lead you to a life of greater freedom and purpose?

  7. To move From Burdened to Set Free, it is essential that we embrace our brokenness – our past failures, bad habits, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs – and find Christ in the midst of it.  Our brokenness is not the end, but the beginning of our journey towards growth and healing.  On the other side of our doubts, hurts, habits, and fears lies true freedom and abundance that comes when we choose to deny the temptations of the flesh and instead live by the Spirit. Christ is the true rescuer, redeemer, and restorer to all those who put their faith and trust in Him.If you have not yet committed your life to Him, I invite you to read my post, How to Live By Faith (3 Choices that will Change Your Life), and say the prayer at the end when you are ready.  Comment on the blog or send me an email when you do this so I can walk alongside you on your spiritual journey and point you in the direction of additional resources to help you grow in this area.

Supplemental Reading:

Made to Crave Chapter One: What’s Really Going On Here? – answer discussion questions and write down questions or insights on your Weekly Coaching Session Prep Form.

Coaching Session #2 Agenda:

  • Review Coaching Session Prep Form and Module Two Content
  • Review Made to Crave Discussion Questions (if applicable)
  • Introduce How to Have HOPE Acronym
  • Review Progress Tracker and Contract