Dear Mama, On Your Child’s Graduation Day

On graduation day, as your child walks proudly across the stage, may we also hold our heads up high, proud to be chosen by God to hold the prestigious title of “mother.”  As your child accepts their diploma, let us also take a moment to recognize the work we have done and the love we have poured out on our little ones. As our graduates turn their tassels or pose for the photo op to symbolize moving on to the next phase of their life, so might we steady our feet to take the next step, to turn the page and begin a new chapter of motherhood.  

In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms

I know what it’s like to dream about the day you’ll become a mom, yet still feel conflicted when that time comes and you have to decide whether or not to return to work. I didn’t think it would be as hard as it was. I vividly remember mustering up the courage to share my decision with my employer and then questioning my decision afterwards.  […]