Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance – A Christian Perspective

Mindfulness is about noticing intrusive thoughts without being swept away by them. Cultivating mindfulness means developing the skill and ability to control how long we pay attention to what. Today’s post is on the power of Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance to reduce psychological distress (symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression) and anchor your hope in God.

5 Ways to Cultivate Resilience

With everything going on in our world, combined with our own personal struggles, it is easy to feel hopeless or discouraged. In today’s post, I’m sharing 5 strategies to cultivate resilience so we can persevere through adversity. If you’ve ever lost a loved one, had your heart broken, battled anxiety or depression, struggled with chronic health issues, felt the weight of grief or disappointment, been a victim of injustice, navigated a difficult relationship, or lived through a global pandemic, then this is for you!

When Our Greatest Fears Come True – The Story Behind “The Blessing” By Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, and Elevation Worship

Are you struggling with fear? In today’s post, I share a life-changing story, shared by Kari Jobe, that helped me flip the script from a doomsday narrative to the one God has already written for us in His Word. His promises don’t protect us from everything that makes life hard, but they do free us from living in fear. Find out how!

The Gift of Growth

Just as a seed planted deep within the soil prepares for new growth in spring, what can feel like our lowest and darkest seasons are catalysts for transformational change. We learn things we would not have discovered any other way and find healing in God’s presence like nothing this world could provide. Today we’re exploring the unprecedented growth that God offers us in the midst of pain and hardship.

The Gift of Peace

Anxiety is rooted in fear, which exists in thoughts about our future. Worrying about what 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 happen doesn’t change the outcome, but it does distract us from experiencing the present. The enemy wants to use worry and fear to paralyze us from moving forward. But, we have a choice! We can choose to pivot from allowing pain to lead us down a regrettable path toward anxiety and defeat to instead inviting it to propel us toward peace and wholeness. To find out how, visit check out today’s post!

From Fear and Doubt to Finding God’s Daily Provision

When MaryBeth was diagnosed with a rare, agressive tumor, the life she had envisioned for herself and her family seemed to slip through her fingers. Feeling like she was watching someone else’s story unfold, she was forced to let go of control and trust in God’s provision. In her periods of greatest doubt, God showed up, gave her the strength she needed to persevere, and kept her tethered to hope. Now more than a full year in remission, MaryBeth testifies to faithfulness and goodness of God Who never leaves or forsakes us.

Dear Mama, On Your Child’s Graduation Day

On graduation day, as your child walks proudly across the stage, may we also hold our heads up high, proud to be chosen by God to hold the prestigious title of “mother.”  As your child accepts their diploma, let us also take a moment to recognize the work we have done and the love we have poured out on our little ones. As our graduates turn their tassels or pose for the photo op to symbolize moving on to the next phase of their life, so might we steady our feet to take the next step, to turn the page and begin a new chapter of motherhood.