6 Exercises for Strong, Sculpted Legs

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These 6 exercises work the largest muscles in your body so you can burn calories, build strength, increase flexibility, and improve your posture by keeping a straight back while stabilizing your core.  Adding free weights increases your resistance, which helps maintain bone mass, build lean muscle, and boost your metabolism.  Grab a set of weights and a timer or stopwatch and let’s get started!

1. Weighted squats to squat jumps (1 minute)

With feet hip width apart and weights at your sides, lower down until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Keeps your abs tight and your knees behind the plane of your toes as you lower into a squat position. Stand up, squeezing glutes at the top and keeping your core engaged. Perform for 30 seconds, then set the weights down and perform 30 seconds of squat jumps. (Keep arms forward for balance as you land in squat position.) 

To modify, perform body weight squats for 1 minute (omit weights and jumps).

2. Single leg squat to squat with knee drive (1 minute for each leg)

Stand with your right leg on the floor. While balancing on the right leg, bend your hip and knee to bring the left leg back while your left arm extends forward across the body.  Return to a starting position to perform a single leg squat.  After 30 seconds, explode up, driving your left knee into your chest and simultaneously extending your right arm forward across your body.  Perform for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.  To maintain your balance, fix your eyes on a spot a few feet in front of you as you perform the exercise.

To modify, perform 1 minute of knee drives for each leg.  Begin by standing tall.  Then, slightly bend your right knee and lunge back slightly with your left leg while simultaneously reaching both arms up.  Next, bring your left leg up while bringing your arms down, driving your knee between your elbows.  Keep your core tight.  Continue for one minute, tapping your back foot behind you and reaching your arms up between each knee drive.  Switch legs and repeat for one minute.

3. Weighted sumo squats to sumo squat jumps (1 minute)

Stand up straight with feet in a wide stance and toes pointing out.  Hold weights just above your shoulders with palms facing toward your body.  Slowly lower into a sumo squat position with back straight, knees behind your feet, and thighs as close to parallel to the ground as possible.  Stand up, squeezing your glutes and contracting your abs at the top.  Perform for 30 seconds, then set the weights down and perform 30 seconds of sumo squat jumps.

To modify, perform body weight sumo squats for one minute (omit weights and jumps).

4. Burpee Tuck Jump (30 seconds)

Begin in a squat position with feet hip width apart. Lower your hands down to the floor and jump back into plank position. Jump the feet forward and then perform a tuck jump, bringing your knees into your chest as much as possible.  Land softly and repeat for a total of 30 seconds.

To modify, step back into plank position.  Hold briefly, then step both feet forward and stand up.  Lower back into a squat position, place both hands on the floor, and step back into plank.  Repeat for 30 seconds.

5. Sumo squat hold with bicep curl (1 minute)

Stand with feet in a wide stance and toes pointing out. Holding a weight in your right hand with palm facing forward. Lower your body until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible and your elbows rest inside your knees. Holding that position, perform bicep curls for 30 seconds. Stand up, switch hands, and repeat for an additional 30 seconds.

To modify, omit the bicep curls.  Hold the sumo squat for 30 seconds.  Stand up, return to a sumo squat position, and pulse slightly to target your glutes and inner thighs.  Perform for 30 seconds or until fatigued.

6. Wall Sit (30 seconds)

Stand with your back pressed against a wall and feet shoulder width apart.  Slide down into a squat position until your knees are at a 90 degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor.  Keep arms down at your side or extend above your head.  Hold for 30 seconds or until fatigued. 

To modify, keep your hands on your knees for assistance, don’t slide down as far, or hold the position for a shorter period of time. 

Take a short break, then repeat the circuit 1-2X to complete your workout!

Looking for more exercises like this one?  Check out my Exercise Library, download my free 7-DAY JUMP START GUIDE with healthy recipes, simple workouts, and daily devotions, and/or click below for more information about the following workout programs:

21 Day Fix – Simple fitness and nutrition in 30 minutes a day.  Great for beginners!
21 Day Fix Extreme – A step up from the basic program to take your nutrition and fitness to the next level.
P90X3 – Burn fat and build lean muscle with 16 different 30-minute workouts.  One of my all time favorites!

** For each workout, click “yes” when asked if referred by a coach.  Enter Coach ID 235948 for access.

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