What is Trauma – Part 2

A few weeks ago, we started a new series on trauma, how it affects the body, and steps you can take to heal. In my first post, we learned that trauma occurs when an event exceeds your nervous system’s capacity to cope with it. It was simply too much to process or understand at the time. This could be due to age, sensitivity, emotional stability, […]

What Is Trauma?

In today’s post, we explore the definition of “trauma,” symptoms of unresolved trauma, and factors that determine whether a stressful event becomes traumatic for an individual. As you read or listen, ask yourself, “Does any of this resonate? Could trauma be part of my story?” and follow the rest of the series to learn ways to move forward and heal.

Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance – A Christian Perspective

Mindfulness is about noticing intrusive thoughts without being swept away by them. Cultivating mindfulness means developing the skill and ability to control how long we pay attention to what. Today’s post is on the power of Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance to reduce psychological distress (symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression) and anchor your hope in God.

The Science Behind Deep Breathing – Why it Works to Reduce Stress and Pain

Most of us are familiar with deep breathing as a way to reduce anxiety and return the body to a baseline state, but what you may not know is that it has a slew of other health benefits. In today’s post, I’m exploring different methods of deep breathing, how it benefits the body, and the science behind why it works.