Simplify – The Story Behind the Series

“When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.  For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling.  My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.”  1 Corinthians 2:1-5

In 2001, the band MercyMe released “Imagine,” the best-selling Christian single of all time.  Since its debut, it has sold over 2.5 million copies and become the most requested Christian song on mainstream radio.1

In 2018, the faith-based film, I Can Only Imagine, revealed the story behind the song.  The lead singer, Bart Millard, grew up with an abusive father who found God after his cancer diagnosis and became a changed man.2  After his father’s death, Bart scans through his prayer journals and finds “imagine” scribbled throughout the pages.  Aloud, he says, “Okay, God.  Okay,” and immediately begins to write, recording the lyrics to the award-winning song in less than ten minutes. 


In June 2016, while browsing through photos for my blog, this image of Grand Central Station caught my attention.  God had already planted the idea in my mind for a post on simplifying, so I saved the image to my files and asked Him to show me the right time to write it.  I recorded this in my journal, next to “hear from God and walk in obedience,” and I prayed over it regularly.

In January 2018, a nearly identical image appeared to me three times within the same week – in a cover photo for a friend request, a Facebook video, and the opening credits of a television show.  The word “simplify” was also spoken to me by my two closest friends and my spouse.  A few days after a lunch date where my friend shared that God kept bringing her back to the word “simplify,” my husband and I got into a heated conversation regarding a decision I was struggling to make.  He looked me in the eye and said, “Jen, Simplify!  Simplify!  Simplify!” 

The cover photo from a “random” friend request on Facebook.
A snapshot from the video, Find Your Passion, by Jay Shetty.
A snapshot from the opening credits of Brain Games (Season 2, Episode 9).

(Side Note: Before writing this post, I went back to find the video and television episode where I knew I’d seen the image.  The first time around, I hadn’t given any thought to the text on the screen, but after taking snapshots of each one with my phone, I couldn’t help but notice that, at the exact moment the images appeared, so did this message:  EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR THIS.  PAY ATTENTION!  We promise it will amaze you.)

We were watching Brain Games when the image of Grand Central Station flashed across a screen for the third time.  I stared in disbelief at the TV long enough for my husband to ask what was wrong.  That was my “Okay, God.  Okay,”  moment.  I know the show was not made for me, but the message God laid on my heart was unmistakable.  It was time to write that post.  Just like the “road sign” to start writing in 2015, I didn’t have to stop and question or pray for confirmation to move forward.  I knew this was the confirmation I had already been praying for.

One post became two, two became twelve, and over a seven month period it grew into twenty-two blog posts.  Had God told me upfront I’d write over 40,000 words, I would have been overwhelmed and given up.  But God knew, so He eased me in gradually.  As with all hard things, He helped me focus on one step at a time, requiring me to trust in His timing and rely on Him instead of my own skills and abilities.

One by one, God gave me the anecdotes, ideas, and scripture verses for each post, bringing stories that I’d forgotten to mind that tied in seamlessly with the message.  I had been hung up on finding outside stories to “hook” my reader, but God showed me everything I needed was folded up in my own experiences.  I just had to go to Him to unfold them.

The process of unfolding took time.  There were many days I wanted to push through and get it done, but God encouraged me to slow down, step back, and seek His direction in those moments.  (I didn’t always listen, but I am learning).  In the process, God chipped away at my perfectionism and encouraged me to crack open my “shield of vulnerability.”3  Four months into my writing, a received an email from my friend with this feedback:

“I’m not seeing you in the words.  I’m seeing good advice, which while helpful, is available in a lot of places.  If you open the door of vulnerability just a crack and let the reader take a glimpse, I think you’ll give them something to hold on to in the rest of your writing…For some showing vulnerability can be equated with showing a weakness.  The person may think that if they allow others to see a CRACK IN THE ARMOR, their witness or effectiveness may be damaged and the other person will not hold them up as an example any longer…The ironic thing is the very crack in the armor they are reluctant to show is THE VERY THING that helps others see the humanity in that person.  So, I would ask you to pray about this and ask God if you fit into this mindset.”

Two days later, while waiting in the doctor’s office for my son’s allergy appointment, I pulled out the book Daring Greatly by BrenĂ© Brown and opened it to the next chapter.  The title was…wait for it…THE VULNERABILITY ARMORY.  (By the way, my friend has never read that book.)

In this chapter, Brown writes about why we should take off our armor and allow ourselves to be seen.  She shares that THE VERY THING we run from – letting down our walls to be vulnerable – is THE VERY THING that brings meaning to our life. 

“To live with courage, purpose, and connection…we must again (as adults) be vulnerable.”3

My friend’s feedback, coupled with the book I was reading and a conversation in my Hope*Writers group about vulnerability, spurred me to go back and take a look at my writing.  As a result, my initial posts that barely scratched the surface were rewritten to tell a story with personality and depth – giving others “something to hold on to.”  Those posts were the most difficult to publish, but with every one God connected me with other women who related to my story because I was willing to be vulnerable.  God used multiple avenues to show me I had been holding back and give me the courage to step out and “be seen.”

How might He be doing the same thing for you?

Everyone Needs to Hear This

I used to think God didn’t speak to me, but I realize now I was just too busy to notice.  The more I slow down and walk with Him instead of trying to sprint out ahead, the more I see His Hand at work when others see coincidences.  When we wholeheartedly seek Him and keep our eyes open, “coincidences” become less of a rarity and more of a regularity. 

PAY ATTENTION and I promise He will amaze you!

God speaks to me through promptings and people, pictures and songs, scripture and prayer.  My repeated exposure to the simplify message reminds me of Millard seeing “imagine” scribbled throughout his journal.  It stirred something in my heart and instilled a sense of urgency to put it onto paper.

While a small task, writing this series was an act of obedience.  It may not be an award-winning song, but it was my next step and I trust that in being faithful with the little things, God will entrust me with greater responsibilities for the advancement of His Kingdom in the future.

How might God be speaking to you?

What God-honoring dreams, desires, contemplations, or convictions keep resurfacing?

What is He calling you to do?  What’s your next step?

Ask God to help you discern whether that voice is from Him and step out in faith if He is calling you to do so.  Ask Him for courage to leave what is comfortable to live on purpose for the unique purpose God created you.

Through His Power

“When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.”  1 Corinthians 2:1-5

For a long time, I held back from sharing my writing.  Who was I to offer advice?  What would others think?  I have no wisdom beyond my own experiences and no training in teaching the Word of God.  I don’t have all the answers and I’m sitting at a desk surrounded by stacks of papers as I write a series about decluttering your life.

What I love about this scripture passage is that Paul assures us that neither human wisdom nor special training are necessary to tell others about Him and how He has changed our life.  My job is not to convince you, but to proclaim to you the testimony about God (1 Corinthians 2:1).  It is through His power that lives are changed; my words are merely meant to point to His truth. 

Knowing that our faith rests not on the responsibility of others, but on our commitment to seeking Him and surrendering to His work within us puts the ball in our court.  People can change, but it’s up to us to pull the weeds (e.g. distractions, doubts, insecurities), create space for His Word to take root, and provide the seeds of faith with spiritual nourishment (e.g. God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship).  When we do, God will make them grow. 

This growth takes time and the Holy Spirit works gradually.  Before Christ could change the way I live, He had to lead me through trials to gain my attention and show me I was living on a faulty foundation.  I had a lot of “identity work” to do.  My priorities were out of alignment and I struggled to let go of control in certain areas of my life.  It is through the act of surrender that I have found freedom and while I am far from where I want to be, I am learning how to be at peace with who and where I am.

God Help Me To Be

This past fall, my family and I attended a Cloverton concert at our church.  This contemporary Christian band has a number of great songs, but my favorite is “God Help Me to Be.”  As we close out this series, check out this live clip from their concert and consider how the lyrics apply to your life.  (The last minute and thirty seconds are instrumental; you might use this time to reflect or say the prayer at the end of this post.)

God, help me believe
When everything around me points to uncertainty
Remind me of the hope of You that’s living in me, oh God
And God, help me to shine
Like stars up in the universe that’s Yours and not mine
And fill me with Your light so that the darkness will hide, oh God

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Amen

God, help me to give
Everything to You that I’m unable to give
And make my life the life I’ve been created to live, oh God
And God, help me to go
And follow where You lead me so all nations will know
The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of this world
Oh God, my God

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Amen

Call to Action: Say the prayer below and invite God to reveal your next step.

Dear God, in a world where many things compete for my attention, help me to focus on the one thing that is most important – spending time in Your presence.  Help me to trust that, when I seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, everything else will fall in its proper place (Matthew 6:33).  Help me to see things from Your perspective and remember that my hope lies in You, Lord, not in my circumstances.  Show me the things I need to let go of to live a life that glorifies You.  Empower me to obey Your word so I can be transformed into the likeness of Christ and experience the love, joy, and peace of a simplified, spirit-filled life.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

 Cloverton Links & Concert Pics:


1. Silva, Kenny.  (2018, March).  The Surprising Way I Can Only Imagine Became a Number 1 Hit on Mainstream Radio.  Retrieved September 7, 2018 from

2. Ryan, Patrick.  (2018, March 13).  How Did I Can Only Imagine Become the Biggest Christian Hit Ever.  Retrieved September 7, 2018 from

3.  Brown, Brene.  (2012).  Daring Greatly.  New York, New York.  Avery.

4. Niequist, Shauna. (2016). Present Over Perfect.  Grand Rapids, MI.  Zondervan.

5. Shetty, Jay.  (2018, February 28).  Find Your Passion.  Retrieved September 8, 2018 from

6 thoughts on “Simplify – The Story Behind the Series

  1. This was beautiful and I’m so grateful you shared with us. God is definitely speaking through you friend!! Keep going!

    1. Kara, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I really appreciate your support!

  2. Hi Jen,
    Thanks for having a heart to obey what God is telling you to do. I love how He uses these kinds of “signs” to confirm a message that He wants to get across to us, so that there is no doubt that what we are seeing/hearing is from Him. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart as well as your knowledge, encouragement, and advice. Great job! 🙂

    1. Kathy, it is pretty awesome how He can speak to us in so many different ways! Sometimes I wish the signs were always this clear, but I trust that He will reveal the next step at the right time and, as long as I continue to seek His wisdom and direction, He won’t let me stray off course. Thanks for your support, friend! It means a lot to me!!

    1. Amen! 🙌🙌 Author Emily P. Freeman said the following in her book, The Next Right Thing: “He knew if we could somehow wrangle a five-year plan out of him, we would take it and be on our merry way.” I think this is so true! It’s pretty cool how God intentionally gives us a step at a time, with occasionally glimpses of the future, so that we have to keep coming back to Him for the next one!

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