Do you struggle with an unhealthy body image? Visit today’s post for five tips to build a positive relationship with your body and invest in taking better care of your health.
How can you honor God with your body through regular movement that improves your health and quality of life? Visit today’s post for practical tips to build a sustainable fitness routine, along with simple exercises to get started!
We’ve been living in stress for centuries and God’s been giving us an out the whole time. Let’s take what is ours and heal from stress so we can live the abundant life and purpose he planned for us. To find out how, visit today’s post by board certified holistic nutritionist Rebekah Fedrowitz.
Do you find yourself turning to food when you’re feeling stressed, bored, lonely, depressed, anxious or upset? Visit today’s post for 7 strategies to break free from emotional eating while also cultivating a deeper faith.
As Christians, our deepest desire is to glorify God, but that desire is often buried under daily life. Today’s post by nutrition coach and blogger Brandice Lardner explores 15 ways we can cultivate a healthy, God-honoring relationship with food.
One habit at a time, we can build a lifestyle that honors the Lord, serves us and our families well, and helps us maintain good health so we can pursue our purpose with energy and vitality. Click here to find out how!
When we view our emotions as catalysts to grow closer to God and better understand ourselves, they become tools for positive transformation. Visit today’s post for two tips to become emotionally and spiritually free!
Whether we are battling an addiction or just trying to break free from bad habits, negative emotions, or past hurts, if we want to stop starting over, the answer is not as simple as “stop giving up.” It’s to start doing this.
Developing a healthy body image begins by aligning our definition of beauty with God’s. When we start to prioritize what God prioritizes, we stop chasing perfection and focus on the pursuit of unfading beauty instead.