Reconciling Two Realities (Cultivating Hope that Does Not Dissappoint)

When difficult times come, we often allow the uncertainty to overcome our faith. We struggle to see past the present-day obstacle and reconcile seemingly inconsistent realities – a good God with pain, a loving God who allows us to suffer, etc. In today’s post, I’m sharing how we can take a new vantage point that proves both realities are true so we can be fueled by Hope and the glory that awaits.

Simplify the Holidays – 10 Tips for More Joy & Less Stress

The holidays are officially here!  This is supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, so if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed it’s time to make some changes!  Here are ten tips that have helped me “simplify” my holidays so I can focus on spending time with those I love. Take Advantage of Amazon Prime – It might be fun to shop the stores, […]