From Flawed to Fulfilled – Overcoming Body Obsession to Find True Freedom in Christ

In From Flawed to Fulfilled – Overcoming Body Obsession to Find True Freedom in Christ, Tiffany shares the challenges she faced when her weight became her identity. Bombarded with images of the “ideal body” on social media and in her modeling career, Tiffany’s thoughts became dominated by food and exercise. When she reached a turning point and realized this way of living was toxic for her physical, mental, and spiritual health, she began to make changes that set her free from shame and guilt so she could secure her identity in Christ. Her story will inspire you to turn your eyes to the standards set by God and focus on the things that are truly important.

The Art of Daily Rest: My Coping Coffee

Just like we fuel ourselves physically we need to recharge ourselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We can exercise regularly, attend therapy, and eat the cleanest diet, but if we are not also practicing rest and relaxation it’s all in vain. In today’s post, guest author Danielle Pete shares healthy coping strategies to combat stress so we can be prepared for battle when faced with blindsiding hardships.

Two Truths and a Lie About Anxiety

Have you ever felt like you’re drowning in a sea of worry and Jesus is sleeping?  If so, you’re not alone—Jesus’ closest friends experienced the same thing. In today’s post, Jen shares common misconceptions about anxiety and two truths that are helping her shift her focus from the waves of life to the One who controls them and walks with us through the storms.

Conquer Worry, Fear, and Anxiety This Year

Worry, fear, and anxiety are the common cold of mental illness and will take over our lives if we let them. In today’s post, international speaker, bestselling author, and board certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, shares a battle plan to break the grip of anxiety so we can reclaim the peace God promises.

The Power of Mindfulness for Everyone

In our fast-paced society, mindfulness is needed now more than ever and the famed Old Testament scholar, Walter Bruegemann, seems to agree. He said what’s most needed in our world today is “non-anxious presence.” After all, isn’t the Bible’s most frequent command to not be afraid?  Visit this week’s guest post by Amber Adrian to learn how mindfulness can help us manage anxiety, practice better self-care, and live in the present moment.

Shifting Lanes for a Slower Pace of Life – The Struggle

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28 God speaks to me through music.  Combine the power of good music with the power of God’s Word and the result is mood-altering, perspective-shifting, and life-changing. Christian music is my saving grace when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed.  It centers me when I’m out of alignment, calms […]

Winning the War Against Anxiety – 3 Battle Plans to Transform Fear Into Faith

“Anxiety disorders in the United States are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to drug and alcohol abuse among men. In a given year, nearly fifty million Americans will feel the effects of a panic attack, phobias, or other anxiety disorders” (1). External factors including job stress, financial burdens, difficulty in personal relationships, and traumatic events are the primary […]

How to Achieve Emotional Freedom – 2 Things You Can Do to Let Go, Love Harder, and Live Fuller

Over 40 million adults are diagnosed with some type of anxiety disorder, including panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, and generalized anxiety (1). I was one of them. For a long time I had trouble focusing and “clearing my mind” of anxious thoughts.  I worried about the future.  I replayed past events over and over in my head.  I thought about what I […]