To My Friends With Chronic Pain Or Illness, I See You

To my friends with chronic pain or illness—I see you. I understand how much strength and energy it takes to endure pain every single day, and I know that just because you carry it well doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. My prayer is that this letter and knowing you are not alone will lighten your burden. May God speak through your story, use it to set someone else free, and draw you closer to Himself so that you can be made whole.

From Hardship to Healing – Inviting Pain to Propel Us Toward Wholeness

In today’s post, I’m sharing about my own struggle with chronic pain. It’s not something I’ve talked much about, in part because I don’t yet have an official diagnosis, but God has brought to my attention that all of us struggle with some form of physical or emotional pain, whether visible to the outside world or not. Pain makes life difficult. Many of us feel anxious, alone, misunderstood, or discouraged. Pain can cause us to doubt our faith, God’s goodness, or even our own self-worth. Pain can be a burden, but it doesn’t have to keep us paralyzed. We can pivot from allowing pain to lead us down a regrettable path toward depression, anxiety, and defeat to instead inviting it to propel us toward wholeness. Check out my post to find out how and sign up for my 5-Day Series, The Unexpected Gift of Pain, to dive deeper into this topic.

From Traumatic Beginnings to Hopeful Endings – Mary’s Story of Loss, Grief, and Faith in God That Kept Her Moving Forward

When Mary found out her 35-year-old father unexpectedly died in a farm accident, she and her family were devastated. In an instant, their world seemed to fall apart as they tried to process the trauma, had to purchase a new home, and her mom started a full-time position. Through God’s strength, her family was able to keep moving forward, and Mary’s faith was what kept her grounded during seasons of anxiety, depression, and fear. In her testimony, she shares how God grew her through her trials and planted a desire in her heart to minister to others journeying through trauma.