When God Doesn’t Fix It – How to Accept a “No” or a “Not Yet”

“Mommy, can I watch a show?” “Mommy, can I have this toy?” “Mommy, can I have a treat?” These are just a few of the questions I get asked by my children on a regular basis. Today, the answer to all three of these questions was no. Sometimes we think we can help the situation by explaining our reasoning process to our kids, but more […]

From Self-Reliant to God-Reliant (Learning How to Fully Trust God)

This is a guest post by Pam, who shares how her self-reliance and desire to feel financially secure prevented her from fully trusting God.  When an unexpected turn of events forced her family to close down their business and declare bankruptcy, God revealed what it meant to fully rely on and trust in Him.  Pam’s faith made it possible for her to persevere through a difficult time and for God to use her circumstances to transform her from self-reliant to God-reliant!  Her story is a testament that true security comes not from our own efforts, but from our one true God.