Using our Emotions as Tools for Transformation

In this week’s post, physical therapist, health & life coach, Kate Bartley shares five ways we can harness the power of our emotions and use them as tools for positive growth. When we begin viewing our emotions as neither good nor bad, but simply as internal messages designed to inform us, we can learn to not only walk in health and wholeness, but find freedom to be who God created us to be. 

The Power of Mindfulness for Everyone

In our fast-paced society, mindfulness is needed now more than ever and the famed Old Testament scholar, Walter Bruegemann, seems to agree. He said what’s most needed in our world today is “non-anxious presence.” After all, isn’t the Bible’s most frequent command to not be afraid?  Visit this week’s guest post by Amber Adrian to learn how mindfulness can help us manage anxiety, practice better self-care, and live in the present moment.

Self-Discipline and Setting Intentions for 2020

This year, let’s pair our goals with intentions!  It starts by creating space in our schedule to reflect on how we’ve grown and discern where God is leading us in the year ahead.  Visit my post to download a free Dream Guide and set intentions for your spiritual, relational, personal, and intellectual growth in 2020!