From Self-Reliant to God-Reliant (Learning How to Fully Trust God)

This is a guest post by Pam, who shares how her self-reliance and desire to feel financially secure prevented her from fully trusting God.  When an unexpected turn of events forced her family to close down their business and declare bankruptcy, God revealed what it meant to fully rely on and trust in Him.  Pam’s faith made it possible for her to persevere through a difficult time and for God to use her circumstances to transform her from self-reliant to God-reliant!  Her story is a testament that true security comes not from our own efforts, but from our one true God.

From Unworthy to Beloved (Breaking Free From Insecurity)

In, From Unworthy to Beloved – Breaking Free from Insecurity, Lenae shares her struggle with feelings of insecurity, unworthiness, and fear.  Her self-worth was largely determined by what others said (or did not say) about her and by society’s definition of success.  As she sought to find her true identity in Jesus Christ, she became able to calm her fears, unmask her insecurities, and let go of her desire to be in control so that she could follow Him. In doing so, God led her down an unexpected path that turned out much differently, but much more beautifully, than she could have ever imagined.