The Gift of Purpose

Pain without purpose is a tragedy, but pain with purpose is a powerful testimony. In the midst of our pain, we can participate in Godโ€™s purpose by exercising our spiritual gifts and sharing the Good News of Christ. We can enter into broken places and embrace our hard stories. Doing so leads to healing, gives hope to others, and glorifies the God that carries us through the most challenging circumstances.

The Gift of Growth

Just as a seed planted deep within the soil prepares for new growth in spring, what can feel like our lowest and darkest seasons are catalysts for transformational change. We learn things we would not have discovered any other way and find healing in Godโ€™s presence like nothing this world could provide. Today we’re exploring the unprecedented growth that God offers us in the midst of pain and hardship.

The Gift of Peace

Anxiety is rooted in fear, which exists in thoughts about our future. Worrying about what ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘™๐‘‘ happen doesnโ€™t change the outcome, but it does distract us from experiencing the present. The enemy wants to use worry and fear to paralyze us from moving forward. But, we have a choice! We can choose to pivot from allowing pain to lead us down a regrettable path toward anxiety and defeat to instead inviting it to propel us toward peace and wholeness. To find out how, visit check out today’s post!

From Believing Lies to Being Grounded in Truth – Laura’s Story of Transformation & Healing

Laura’s testimony of overcoming addiction, escaping an abusive relationship, and shedding the lies she once believed about her identity and worth is so powerful! Once she began attending church and seeking Christ, God began to reveal things in her life that needed to change and ground her in truth. Today, she is a Sunday school teacher, women’s ministry leader, and woman of God who is sharing her story to bless others and glorify Him.