Gil’s Story – Learning to Live a Full Life with Peripheral Neuropathy

Dr. J. Gilbert Miller received his Ph.D. in astrophysics from Princeton University and spent a decade in academia, followed by a 30-year career as an aerospace engineer. He began experiences symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in his mid-forties and, after watching his mother live through the same disease, was determined not to let it ruin his quality of life. In this article, he shares 5 things he’s learned to help him live a full, active, and joyful life with a chronic illness.

3 Keys to Find Meaning

In the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, writer, and Holocaust survivor, Vickor Frankl, shares how he held on to hope, found meaning and purpose, and persevered through horrific conditions while living in a Nazi concentration camp. If you’ve ever wondered how you can find more meaning and purpose in your life, this post is for you! 

Two Young Moms Unite Over Chronic Illness and Invite You to Join Their Fight for a Cure

For Neuropathy Awareness Week, Jen and Rosy are sharing their story for the purpose of raising awareness, education, and funding for this disease, which affects over 40 million people worldwide. Visit today’s post to find out how you can join them in their fight for better treatments and a cure.

To My Friends With Chronic Pain Or Illness, I See You

To my friends with chronic pain or illness—I see you. I understand how much strength and energy it takes to endure pain every single day, and I know that just because you carry it well doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. My prayer is that this letter and knowing you are not alone will lighten your burden. May God speak through your story, use it to set someone else free, and draw you closer to Himself so that you can be made whole.

Finding Hope in the Midst of Pain and Uncertainty

In today’s post, I’m reviewing the book, From Lost to Found – Giving Up What You Think You Want for What Will Set You Free, by Nicole Zasowski. Her story is one of heartache and healing, infertility and miscarriage, and uprooting an identity misplaced in worldly things to anchor her worth in Christ. It’s about finding hope outside of circumstance, breaking free from perfectionism and other strongholds, and trusting God will use our pain to transform us into His image. If you’re walking through a season of pain or uncertainty, you need to read this book! Visit my post to enter our giveaway and win a free copy!

5 Ways to Cultivate Resilience

With everything going on in our world, combined with our own personal struggles, it is easy to feel hopeless or discouraged. In today’s post, I’m sharing 5 strategies to cultivate resilience so we can persevere through adversity. If you’ve ever lost a loved one, had your heart broken, battled anxiety or depression, struggled with chronic health issues, felt the weight of grief or disappointment, been a victim of injustice, navigated a difficult relationship, or lived through a global pandemic, then this is for you!